The ExAC is an “experience based” examination rather than a “By the book” like an academic examination.
That said, it’s crucial that all interns familiarize themselves with the ExAC scope and sections outlined on the ExAC official site.
Every individual has developed a way to prepare for any examination. However, few items are unique for passing the ExAC:
- Read the CHOP “Canadian Handbook of Practice for Architects” back to back. In addition to the IAP “Internship in Architecture Program”, Building Construction Illustrated by Francis D. K. Ching and the NBC “National Building Code”.
- Always refer to the ExAC website for a complete list of references.
- Use your own job to prepare for the ExAC; take a sample project from your office, and go through its all stages from initial “Contract signing” with the client to the “Post occupancy services”.
- Perform a “Code Compliance” check on the project and memorize standard numbers listed in the NBC, i.e. ceiling height, railing extensions, etc. It would be time consuming to look for them in the exam as speed is key!
- Make sure you have a complete understanding of the ExAC objectives located here.
- ARE mock-up questions are good, but not enough!
- Read all CCDC contracts in addition to your association standard contracts (i.e. Doc 600, Doc 900, etc.).
- Study groups and workshops are very helpful as other interns may bring to your attention some objectives that you’ve neglected, and will help you developing your study method